
at body painting studio

[gallery link="file" columns="4"] From instagram @denartny

Mother Nature 3

Third image from the mother nature body painting shoot. Read about the story behind this image

Danny Setiawan

Mother Nature 2

Second image from the mother nature body painting shoot. Read about the story behind this image

Danny Setiawan

Mother Nature

We started out with an idea of something ugly that turns into something beautiful and the concept of nurturing. For…

Danny Setiawan

Liloveve art openning

These are videos from live body painting at Liloveve gallery art openning in Brooklyn, NY that we did in 2010.…

Danny Setiawan

Chinese Tiger

A chinese tiger body painting created live at Fushimi body art event in Brooklyn, NY. See more images from that…

Danny Setiawan

Happy new year 2014!

We'd like to wish you a great new year! We look forward to creating great work this year as well…

Danny Setiawan

Last day of 2013

Looking back to 2013, we're grateful that we managed to finish another productive and creative year with the support of…

Danny Setiawan

Quick sketch

A quick sketch with a compliant model :) [gallery link="file" columns="4"] From instagram @denartny

Danny Setiawan

What we’re going to do in 2014

Yesterday, I went to see Martin Scorsese's new movie The Wolf of Wall Street. It was an entertaining movie with…

Danny Setiawan

Inspirations from Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit

We went to the Brooklyn Museum yesterday to check out the special exhibition of Jean Paul Gautier's work. It was…

Danny Setiawan

Keep on Playing

This is a great talk by legendary designer Paula Scher about staying hungry and curious as a creative person. Artists,…

Danny Setiawan